Five key technical FM services you should be receiving from your provider

Five key technical FM services you should be receiving from your provider

Not every facilities management service ticks all the boxes you should demand as a customer. This blog will go through five vital technical FM services you should receive and highlight why they’re essential.

Safe, secure, operational

Safe, secure, and operational are the words that every facilities management company should take as ‘gospel’. Everything must be checked, from electrical appliances to fire safety doors, ensuring that people who work in the building can do so safely.

Ensuring compliance is paramount since the penalties for not doing so can be high. Your facility management partner should be able to demonstrate how they will fulfil the various compliance requirements, however, the obligations are yours, so you want to be sure they are top of the list.

Of course, the building must do the job it’s set out to do, and operations must go on despite the numerous challenges that arise – an agile FM team looks for solutions to problems to ensure continuity of operations.

Budget planning

Every facilities management organisation ought to examine the budgeting needs of its clients’ businesses. Budgeting is the most definitive reflection of an enterprise’s performance, what is paramount, and the course it is pursuing.

A solid grasp of operating expenses and the performance of the equipment available is essential to keep on top of everything. If your FM company spends the time to collect robust, authoritative intelligence, it can make better-informed choices on what must be in place and by when.

The right facilities management company never drops the ball on capital expenditure either, such as purchasing new equipment. Runaway expenditure is a sure path to a huge financial headache that can damage investor confidence and push a business into debt.

Quality Assurance

Ensure that your facilities management company has a long-standing relationship with trustworthy subcontractors. Your FM provider should ensure subcontractors have the necessary qualifications and compliance to manage your building safely and successfully.

Your FM provider should also spend time upskilling its own workforce, such as providing staff with the opportunity for Continual Personal Development.  Training a team in new skills means they can multitask and save you money and time procuring services from subcontractors you don’t know.

Monitoring systems ought to be present to gauge the consistency of FM services. Your FM provider should use various metrics to make sure that the necessary solutions are continually being implemented on the ground where it matters.

Standing out as a leader

A professional FM company should be innovative in its focus on technology and methodology. Emerging technologies and cutting-edge methods can dramatically reduce and lower some of the hazards involved in labour-intensive work.

Similarly, it is essential to innovate in practice continuously. Leading facility management organisations use sector-wide benchmarking to ensure they are applying best practice.

Control operations

FM providers must comply with the applicable building legislation intended to ensure people’s safety, health and welfare. These regulations also seek to enhance fuel and power conservation, preserve and promote the environment, and foster sustainable development.

Your provider should also use SFG20, which is accepted as the industry benchmark for building servicing standards. This database comprises thousands of maintenance records for many appliances, constantly updated by BESA.

Intelligent maintenance

Proactive maintenance means forethought; it involves real-time assessments identifying the onset of system deterioration or the end of a service life cycle. A proactive FM firm has provisions in mind, such as emergency generators for blackouts.

If a system is conceived to recognise a crisis before it occurs, it will inevitably manage to reduce the adverse effects when it does happen. The cornerstone of proactive facilities management is to know the systems in place and where potential vulnerabilities lie, thereby extending equipment life and reducing downtime.

In the FM business world, predictive maintenance is the hallmark of a forward-thinking organisation.

The appeal of this approach is that predictive FM enables the team to deliver preventive maintenance before a situation turns serious. When things become severe, it is more costly to repair them since equipment and resources must be ready for action immediately.

Your FM service team should do what it takes to forecast which assets may become unfit for purpose so that a visit can be arranged at your convenience and at a lower cost. Forward-thinking means improved, planned servicing and reduced overheads – a real plus for all.

It’s who we are

Sounds like a lot, right? For Precision FM, it’s just another day helping our clients keep their buildings safe, secure, and operational. We do all of the above because we know that this forward-looking, innovative approach to FM makes us leaders in the industry.

If you suspect you could be getting more from your facilities management team, reach out to Precision FM; we’ll listen carefully to your individual requirements and tell you exactly how we can help.