Glass from Victorian office renovation arrives in Leeds ready for sustainable transformation

Glass from Victorian office renovation arrives in Leeds ready for sustainable transformation

More than three tonnes of glass from a London building that dates back to the 1800s, has this week arrived in Leeds at the headquarters of the UK’s leading manufacturer of sustainable glass surfaces.

Diamik Glass has teamed up with contractors Ambit Moat to provide sustainable surfaces for the renovation of the building in Farringdon Road known as ‘The Waterman’ to significantly reduce the embodied carbon of the project.

The BGO owned building has been designed by Fathom Architects and will see the office units, spanning 70,000 square feet, redeveloped into a modern space that reduces the carbon footprint of the building and has an extensive sustainability commitment.

The glass, removed from 360 windows which were no longer fit for purpose, has been shipped to Leeds and are set to be replaced with double glazed units to reduce unnecessary heat loss, paying back the embodied carbon from replacing the units within six years.

Glass arrives in Leeds

Instead of condemning the waste glass to landfill, the project will ensure that the material fulfills a new purpose by being transformed into ecorok™ – a product by Diamik Glass that repurposes waste glass to create modern, luxury surfaces. The surfaces created from the glass will then be installed in the tea points and worktop spaces on Level 4 of the building.

Michael Pickup, Managing Director at Diamik Glass explains: “We’re thrilled to receive the glass from The Waterman’s previous windows. This is a great opportunity for us to manufacture a unique product that gives back to the original building in a very exciting renovation project. We’re passionate about working with partners to find bespoke solutions to avoid sending any glass to landfill.

“At Diamik Glass we know how important sustainability credentials are to businesses working with older building stock, and we’re delighted to be chosen by Ambit as a delivery partner. Once recycled, crushed and produced into hard wearing surfaces made to measure, each square meter of the ecorok™ surfaces will consist of 85 percent window glass.”

Matt Robinson, Sustainability Manager at Ambit Moat added: “Maintaining heritage materials within the building was something that both the developer, BGO, and Ambit were keen to achieve. We knew the windows could never be kept as is, due to their poor insulating performance, the next best thing was to see where we can introduce the material back into the building, reducing waste, and furthering the materials lifecycle.

“Ambit is always looking for innovative ways to reduce our carbon footprint and introduce a circular approach to our fit outs. Working with Diamik on a project like this is a great example of some of the interesting forms materials can take on after their intended life.”


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