Recent years have seen a drastic change in how waterproofing design has been approached.
Gone are the days of architects undertaking the waterproofing design role. British Standard 8102:2009 Code of Practice for Protection of Below Ground Structures Against Water from the Ground (BS8102:2009) recommends that every design team/waterproofing project incorporates a Waterproofing Design Specialist.
As set out in Section 4.2 of BS 8102:2009 under the heading “Design Team”, the code states:-
“A waterproofing specialist should be included as part of the design team so that an integrated waterproofing solution is created. The waterproofing specialist should:-
a) be suitably experienced;
b) be capable of devising solutions that accommodate the various project constraints and needs;
c) provide the design team with information and guidance that assists with and influences the design, installation and future maintenance of the waterproofed structure.”
What is a Waterproofing Design Specialist?
A Waterproofing Design Specialist provides expertise in structural waterproofing. Identifying a Waterproofing Design Specialist can be difficult and daunting. A Waterproofing Design Specialist should have:
- CSSW as a minimum standard of qualification
- Be able to list the principal considerations for a robust waterproofing design
- Offer knowledge on waterproofing systems available
- An in-depth understanding of BS8102:2009 and its requirements
- Desk top study & risk assessment knowledge – these should form part of any Designers Report and Waterproofing Design
- An understanding of sources of water (such as how it flows through the soil and interacts with the structures).
- Structural knowledge
- Knowledge of Ground Gases
- Geotechnical knowledge (to be able to understand the implications of a soil report)
- The ability to produce a Design Report, Method Statements and Waterproof Design drawings.
Do I really require a Waterproofing Design Specialist?
In short YES! Waterproofing Design is a complex task.
Every construction project is different and will require diversities. It is necessary to introduce a Waterproofing Design Specialist at the earliest stages of design to ensure the structural waterproofing system is compliant to BS8102:2009.
A Waterproofing Design Specialist should attend site, undertake site investigations, produce reports and manage documentation in relation to the design, ensuring at all stages that sufficient protection is designed into the project.
Getting the design correct prior to construction will save significant costs!
Structural Warranty Provider Requirements
Structural Warranty Providers such as NHBC stipulate that it is a mandatory requirement that a CSSW qualified waterproofing designer is involved in the waterproofing design process and other warranty providers such as Premier Guarantees and LABC are following suit.
Warranty providers also require that a criterion has been accomplished prior to issuing a warranty. If you are developing a property and are intending to sell it, rent it or refinance it – you will need a Building Warranty or a Professional Consultants Certificate (PCC). Mortgage Lenders will only lend on a property if it is covered by an approved warranty policy.
What makes a Qualified Waterproofing Design Specialist?
The Property Care Association (PCA) runs a successful programme of education and examinations which enables attendees to achieve the Certificated Surveyor in Structural Waterproofing (CSSW) and Certificated Surveyor in Remedial Treatments (CSRT) qualifications.
Delegates who attend the PCA education and examination programmes are extensively tested on their competence to produce successful structural waterproofing designs and their abilities to advise others involved in a construction project as to best practice and correct detailing relating to structural waterproofing.
Delta Membrane Systems Limited offer CSSW training and examinations at their fully functional training facilities in Epping Essex, hosted by the PCA.
Thank you for reading our article, if you have a question or would like to find out about structural waterproofing or installing a Delta Membrane System, we are happy to provide CAD drawings and information relating to waterproofing solutions in accordance with British Standard 8102:2009, give us a call on 01992 523 523 or email [email protected]. All of Delta’s Technical Team are CSSW qualified surveyors and registered to the “Waterproofing Design Register”. Our Technical Team would be delighted to help with your waterproofing designs/projects.