Reel the benefits of controlled bolting techniques
Controlled bolting is highly important for all operations. It ensures that any tightening or loosening of bolts are done in a controlled manner. If you hurry to process, then you could risk complications appearing further down the line. However, if you use a controlled bolting technique properly, then it can help you meet tighter deadlines, while at the same time gain you a number of benefits and advantages.
Together with bolt torque specialists, HTL group, we’ll explore the advantages of controlled bolting techniques.
First thing we like to mention is consistency, when you’re dealing with joints which have gaskets, consistency is crucial. This is because any even and consistent compression is required, so there’s no damage and so that the gasket can work effectively.
One of most common causes of errors in engineering is human error. This in itself would mean the task could take a lot longer. But, controlled bolting eliminates this risk. With this bolting technique, you can feel assured that you will be correctly operating every time. This is possible thanks to skilled operators using calibrated and tested equipment and follow specific procedures.
Controlled bolting can also provide accurate calculations, which give the operator the required tool setting so that usability is easier.
It’s important to note before you undergo any tightening tasks, that you give the equipment a full inspection. It’s also imperative to check the lubrication of any nuts and bolts and to make sure they’re flush against the flange. Be sure to check for uneven bolt tensioning as this can result in bolts being overloaded or too loose, a gasket leakage, and less than 100% tensioning.
Secondly, is time. Controlled bolting has an automated set up, so there is not heavy loading and manual effort required. This means that fatigue won’t set in, which in turn would lower productivity levels. Not only is the manual labour a lot more strenuous on workers, it’s also a lot more time consuming for a human to do this task.
Last thing, which we believe is the most important element-controlled bolting brings to its user. The equipment in this scenario can take away any unsafe actions of manual uncontrolled tightening. This is because the equipment requires highly-skilled and trained operators who follow specific procedures.
Even though controlled bolting is more consistent, time-effective and safe, you must ensure that you’re correctly trained in the method used.