![Manchester’s Low Carbon Homes Ambition @lowcarbonhomes](https://construction-update.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2019/09/carbon-home.jpg)
On November 14th 2018, Manchester City Council adopted new science-based climate change
targets on behalf of the city, to rapidly cut emissions from 2015 levels by 50% by 2022, 83% by
2030, and down to zero by 2038. The city’s ‘Draft Zero Carbon Framework 2020-38’ document
confirmed that – for domestic property – this would involve reducing energy demand and shifting
to lower carbon heat sources, lifting families out of fuel poverty and saving residents money on
their energy bills, as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
A year later to the day, Cogent Events will open the doors to the North West edition of Low
Carbon Homes – its nationwide regional event series – in Manchester. Working with Manchester
City Council, Manchester Climate Change Agency and wider stakeholders, the event’s
programme has been curated to ensure that speakers and delegates at the 14th November
event tackle the particular challenges of retrofitting existing housing stock, while helping to
develop the Zero Carbon Framework 2020-38, and the city’s emerging Zero Carbon Housing
Jonny Sadler, Programme Director of Manchester’s Climate Change Agency, and speaking on
the Low Carbon Homes programme, emphasises that “Bringing Manchester’s existing housing
up to a zero carbon standard is a vital component of our zero carbon ambition, which will not
only improve the wellbeing of our residents, but will stimulate a retrofit market, boosting our local
“We need local businesses, home-owners, landlords, Manchester City Council, Greater
Manchester, Government and others to come together to help create an ambitious programme
of zero carbon improvements across the city. The Low Carbon Homes event is a key part of
kickstarting this hugely exciting work.”
Aimed at architects, heating engineers, local authorities, landlords, contractors and related
sector professionals, the free-to-attend event features plenary sessions, practical workshops,
training and exhibitors covering interests such as the fabric first approach, heat pumps, heat
system design, BEIS trials and local policy and supply chain development.
Heat Pump Focus: Reflecting the growing interest in the electrification of heat, Heat Pump
Focus is a free-to-attend event featuring exhibits, talks and presentations within Low Carbon
Homes providing all-day access for invited visitors and delegates. The new initiative is
supported by the Ground Source Heat Pump Association, the Heat Pump Association,
manufacturers and designers.
“The Manchester event is set to be our largest Low Carbon Homes event so far, and we’re
delighted with the support we’ve received across the city. The ambition, dynamism and
commitment of our supporters and wider community is truly inspiring. If there is a city in the UK
that can get to Zero Carbon by 2038, it’s Manchester… and we’re honoured to be playing a part
in helping make that happen” – Graham Lock, Founder, Low Carbon Homes