After securing ‘Investors in Diversity’ in November 2019, Bauer Technologies is proud to have been accredited a ‘Leader in Diversity’, by the National Centre for Diversity, in March 2020.
The Leaders in Diversity Award is a nationally recognised equality and diversity accreditation that demonstrates an all-encompassing approach to the effective management of equality, diversity and inclusion. It enables organisations to take a structured and planned approach to embedding equality and diversity at the heart of what they do and provides a simple framework in which to do so.
Bauer Technologies received the accreditation following an assessment based on various criteria, including staff interviews and customer surveys and a tangible commitment to Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement (FREDIE) within its organisation.
Solat Chaudhry, Chief Executive of the National Centre for Diversity, commented “We are delighted that Bauer Technologies has achieved the Leaders in Diversity Award, and I would like to extend our congratulations to their leaders, staff and learners on their success.”
Speaking about the award, Michael Jones, Managing Director at Bauer Technologies, said “I am proud that Bauer Technologies has achieved this important achievement, it demonstrates to our staff, clients’ and supply chain that Bauer Technologies is committed to FREDIE and to treating people equally and with respect”