NEBOSH, one of the world’s leading providers of health, safety and environmental qualifications and courses, has announced a transformation project that will enable all of its learners to carry out their assessments from a safe location of their choosing.
Like organisations around the world, NEBOSH is adapting to the challenges and opportunities presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. It has therefore bought forward and expanded plans to offer remote and online assessments for its range of qualifications and courses.
The NEBOSH National and International General Certificates will be the first qualifications to offer remote assessments and, in August, the first open book examination will take place. An open book examination – a method widely used by other awarding bodies and universities – enables learners to take the examination in a safe location of their choosing. The new approach also has the added benefit of enabling people in even more countries around the world to study towards and gain a NEBOSH qualification.
Unlike invigilated paper-based examinations, NEBOSH’s open book examinations will present learners with a real-life scenario followed by a related series of questions that require learners to demonstrate the application of their skills.
David Morgan, NEBOSH Interim Chief Executive, says: “The health of our learners is paramount. We want them to feel safe when they carry out their NEBOSH assessments and the best way to do this is transform the way we do things.
“We have worked closely with our regulator, SQA Accreditation, to maintain the rigour and recognition people have come to expect from NEBOSH over its 40-year history. COVID-19 has certainly presented us with some challenges but the changes we’re making will bring us up to speed with the latest awarding technology so that learners can complete their studies and gain the qualification they have worked hard for.”
Learners who wish to register for an examination can do so via their NEBOSH accredited Learning Partner. Further information, including a selection of guidance and support resources, is available at: www.nebosh.org.uk/obe