British Technology, British Design, British Made.
CT1 – The Snag List Eliminator- has been widely considered and voted on numerous times, as the UK’s Number 1 Sealant and Adhesive.
CT1 has lead the way in technology in the building industry for over 18 years, and continues to develop and introduce ground breaking technology. A research and development department that clearly never sleeps.
CT1- who were the first to introduce the Hybrid Polymer to the market 18 years ago, introduced a product, revolutionary to the building trade where every trade person could use this sealant an adhesive, in just one tube.
All trades, Electricians, Joiners, Plumbers, Roofers, Tilers, maintenance and repair workmen would now only need 1 product. CT1. This was unheard of, a product that replaces several products in 1 tube, could also be used under water!. The technology is truly ground breaking.
CT1 replaces mastic, wood and P.U adhesives, silicone, sanitary, acrylic and butyl rubber sealants in just 1 tube. With no solvents or isocyanates, it also makes CT1 the healthiest choice for your home. CT1 which boasts over 25 accreditations, makes CT1 the most eco friendly and safest product to use. CT1 is the only product globally to achieve a NAAF accreditation. The Norwegian Asthma and Allergy association are the highest authority globally, that test or award products, that either increase asthma or reduce asthma attacks in the home. CT1 being the most eco complaint product on the market, NAAF wanted to test CT1 to see how well it performed against allergies. CT1 under vigour testing for 3 months, proved that in fact CT1 would reduce the risk asthma and allergy attacks in the home. This is a huge unique added benefit using CT1.
Using CT1 in new builds, for repair and maintenance and upkeep of aged care facilities, Schools, Hospitals and all facilities that care of the vulnerable you know CT1 is the heathiest choice to use. Reducing asthma and allergy risk with the lowest indoor emissions possible, also adoring the EC1 plus green certificate.
During these times, not only creating a healthy clean environment, but also keeping local jobs, and community thriving, purchasing CT1 being made in Britain, you are also helping keep British jobs safe.
As we know Buying British over other counterpart products manufactured outside the UK, has become more prevalent as we need to keep jobs safe. But not only for general consumers also highly important for the building trade.
A recent survey undertook by UKBathrooms.com, looked at 1,012 tradespeople, across the UK who work with bathroom fixtures and fittings for a true unbiased opinion. The results mirrored that of Made in Britain and several other leading reports that buying British products is paramount in their decision making process.
47% agreeing that British Made Products are superior, with the majority of fitter’s option to buy from UK Manufactures when they can. Questions such as this were asked :
- “Do you regularly purchase British made bathroom fittings?” With 67% answering ‘yes’ to this. When asked why, reliability was the most common reason with 57% explaining that British made products tended to have better longevity. 35% also cited that support was much better, as any problems with UK items could be easily fixed. 24% even said they simply preferred the “design and style” of the home products!
So Buying CT1 would in fact be the preferred sealant of choice, with majority of competitor sealants being manufactured outside the UK. Often technical helplines, onsite visits, live demonstrations unavailable.
Concerns over the environment also features as an important motivator with 7/10 brits buy British as they can help the nation combat climate change.
CT1 also reduces carbon footprint, as landfills are filled with 1000’s of empty cartridges, from building sites, using numerous sealants for many jobs. Now you only need 1 tube, CT1
Buy British Buy CT1.