Leading UK construction and infrastructure services company, Kier, had received concerns from repair crews across a number of different depots, that there was an inconsistency in both their approach to pothole repairs and how long the repairs lasted in each area. After working closely with market-leading highway specialists, UltraCrete, Kier have recorded a massive 82% reduction in repeat visits to the same pothole repair site.
Kier reviewed all data from pothole repairs between April 2019 and January 2020 to get a clear picture on the problems they faced. The data collected showed that, during this period, there were 98 instances, split across 17 routes, where a repeat visit had been made to repair a pothole.
The Challenge
When trying to find an explanation for this worrying data, Kier discovered that there were a number of discrepancies in the way repairs were being carried out, meaning that some repairs didn’t last as long as anticipated.
It was, therefore, of the utmost importance that Kier could find a way to address these inconsistencies in order to minimise the number of interventions on the network.
The Solution
Market-leading highway specialists, UltraCrete worked alongside Kier to review their processes to help find a solution.
Dave Youell, Strategic Account Manager, and Nick Holmes, Technical Training and Support Manager at UltraCrete, held remote discussions with Kier and recommended Tough Patch® as the ideal solution for their problems.
Tough Patch® is a PTS PAS approved, cold lay surface material for road repairs, which utilises a reactive binder that rapidly cures to create a first time, permanent repair that will accept traffic immediately after installation. By utilising Tough Patch®, the amount of time needed for closures on a highway can be reduced, resulting in a significantly safer working environment for the Keir operatives carrying out the work.
Quick and easy to apply, Tough Patch® can be used to repair defects in pavements, driveways, car parks and on high speed roads – it even provides a first time permanent repair in wheel turning locations such as junctions, traffic lights and roundabouts.
As part their partnership, both Nick and Dave visited a number of Kier’s pothole crews to discuss any questions or issues the operatives had, and finally, to demonstrate the best way to apply and use Tough Patch® to maximise the effectiveness of the material.
The Results
Having one superior pothole repair material and standardising the process of repairing potholes has resulted in a huge reduction of interventions.
Of the original 98 instances identified where a repeat visit was required, after using Tough Patch® between February and April 2020, only 21 sites were revisited, resulting in an 82% reduction on repeat visits.
For more information on Tough Patch® and how UltraCrete can help you reduce the number of repeat visits to site, please contact their team of highway specialists by emailing [email protected] or calling +44 (0) 1827 254402. You can also arrange an appointment by contacting UltraCrete on any of their social media platforms.