Oil theft a problem for rural properties…

Oil theft a problem for rural properties…

Over a million homes in the UK are off grid and rely on outside heating oil for energy.  This oil can be a magnet for thieves though – over 25,000 oil thefts were reported in 2018 and the problem still exists. Back in November, 30,000 litres of oil were stolen from a single farm in Gwent, Wales.

North Yorkshire Police also urged people in rural areas to take extra care after £250 worth of heating oil was taken from a property in Thornton-Le-Moor.

Here, we take a closer look at the latest available statistics and show what can be done to stop oil theft, including switching energy supply.

The numbers

Based on statistics between 2016 and 2018, Dyfed-Pows, Gwent, and the West Midlands have experienced the highest increase of thefts across the three-year period.

  • Dyfed-Pows (98%)
  • Gwent (80%)
  • West Midlands (48%)

Dyfed-Pows is a mostly rural area with a coastline and has a population of around 500,000. Gwent, as previously mentioned above, is another area in Wales that has rural areas, whilst the West Midlands is also home to stretches of countryside and rural homes.

From 23 areas included in the study, only Port of Dover experienced no oil thefts. Avon and Somerset recorded the biggest decrease, with a 45% decrease in thefts reported between 2016 and 2018.

Region201820172016Change YoY2016 v 2018
Greater London137991574314739-12%-6%
West Yorkshire412348394624-15%-11%
South Yorkshire277933132529-16%10%
West Midlands2215219815011%48%
Devon and Cornwall101010009181%10%
Avon and Somerset5536861001-19%-45%
North Wales192420-21%-5%
Port of Dover0000%0%

Take action to prevent

If you live rurally and you’re still relying on an oil tank to bring heat and fuel to your home, there are multiple options you can take to prevent theft on your property – as well as alternatives.

Install CCTV – CCTV is an effective measure to deter thieves from targeting your property. It can also alert you to the crime as its happening, instead of you finding the problem afters it’s too late.

Install security lighting – Many thieves strike at night, so a good lit property another way to put them off targeting your property. Security lighting tends to be bright enough that you can notice what’s outside from the comfort of your home.

Lock your tank up – Thieves will bring tools that would help them gain access to your tank. Therefore, it’s a good idea to keep your oil tank secured with a good quality padlock. You can also discourage them further by putting gravel down around the area to make it harder for them to access it.

Switch from oil to gas – You can heat your home with other fuel alternatives, such as Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). Unlike oil, LPG is almost impossible to steal and can be stored underground and out of sight of thieves, giving you peace of mind without having to install extra safety measures. Converting to LPG can be done via an oil to gas conversion.

LPG is also cleaner than oil, with a 20% lower carbon intensity, meaning it’s better for the environment.

Be vigilant and prepare

The UK winter lasts from the end of December until the end of March, meaning the country during that period, experiences the thickest of the cold season. Snow and ice tends go magnify the need to stay warm indoors, especially for those living rurally and are reliant on their heating supply.

Avon and Somerset Police tend to post a short statements on their website to warn local residents to be extra vigilant as higher demand is inevitable, especially when you never know whether there’ll be other pandemics that would come about that will cause delays to heating oil deliveries, making households more susceptible to theft.

Although eradicating oil theft isn’t an easy task, there are still measures than can be taken to prevent it from happening.