Nationwide Platforms, the UK’s leading provider of powered access hire for working at height, has made a significant investment in LGMG’s super-deck scissor lift SR1623D.
Nationwide Platforms – LGMG – IMG_0050
Nationwide Platforms has purchased 50 of the machines from Access Platform Sales, LGMG’s UK distributor. The first 20 machines have arrived and are ready for roll out, with the remaining 30 machines to follow at the end of May. As the LGMG machines are unanimously red, the Nationwide Platforms variant will be the first blue machine LGMG deliver to the UK.

Only established in 2015, LGMG is a new access manufacturer but in that time has grown rapidly to become the 9th largest global manufacturer of access platforms, producing 50,000 units a year on average.
This investment in LGMG’s super-deck scissor lifts means Nationwide Platforms can offer its clients a more comfortable and productive machine fitted with a 7.4m long super-deck. This is a significant increase on the standard 5.2m length. This extra length means that where a shorter machine might require a telehandler to aid it, the super-deck can lift more materials to extended heights by itself. The extended length is ideally suited for construction purposes, particularly cladding, since a large amount of cladding sheets can be placed on the larger deck, saving customers time and energy.
The machine makes for economical ways of working in more ways than one. It has a stage 5 Kabuta diesel engine, which has the lowest emissions of any diesel engine and boasts an auto-regeneration function. Other diesel engines usually build up particulation in their filters, requiring them to be manually cleaned, which is time-consuming and costly. In contrast, the LGMG engine’s auto-regeneration feature means that, when the particulate build-up reaches 96% of its maximum capacity, the engine cleans itself before carrying on with its work, making it a far more efficient machine.
Nationwide Platforms prides itself in being able to provide an advantageous lead time with a delivery period of three months – far quicker than the current market time scale of 12-16 months.
Glyn Brearley, Business Director for Procurement and Training at Nationwide Platforms commented “We’re very pleased to continue investing in our expansive fleet catering to our customers’ ever-growing needs with more efficient and greener machinery from LGMG. We can’t wait to see these machines in action and aid our clients’ projects — they look fantastic in our iconic blue branding!”
For more information about Nationwide Platforms’ range and to enquire about hiring a machine, please visit https://www.nationwideplatforms.co.uk/en-gb/hire.