Different Tools You Need When Starting Out as a Home Construction Contractor

Different Tools You Need When Starting Out as a Home Construction Contractor

Have you recently started in the building trade or you are thinking about becoming a home construction contractor? This can be rewarding work and there is certainly a lot of it available, but it can also be daunting. There is a lot of equipment that you will need to get your business up and running to provide a range of services and this will include the main basic tools along with things like adhesives and other small tools that are all hugely important.

So, what are a few of the main items that you will need for your home construction business?

Power Tools

First, you will want to make sure that you have a range of high-quality power tools on hand. Power tools can make your job a lot easier, allow you to complete various tasks much faster and allow you to complete tasks to a high standard. A power drill is a good example as a tool that will allow you to very quickly and easily drill a hole in wood, metal, brick or any other material.


Hammers are essential in home construction and can be used for both building and destruction. This means that you also need to make sure that you have a range of hammers so that you can use the right one for the right task. A few of the main types of hammers that you should have in your tool chest include:

  • Claw hammer
  • Drywall hammer
  • Ball-peen hammer
  • Electrician hammer
  • Sledgehammer

Distance Measurer

In any kind of construction, pinpoint accuracy is key and it is vital that you are able to make completely accurate measurements. As a professional builder, you will want to use a distance measurer as opposed to a standard tape measurer. This is because you will get completely accurate readings with the use of lasers. Additionally, a distance measurer is very quick and easy to use for measurements.


Ladders are essential as you will often find yourself working at height and a ladder will allow you to do this safely and easily. An adjustable ladder is the best option and this should be something that you keep on the roof of your van so that you always have access to it and never have to delay any projects.

These are a few of the main items that you will need if you have started your own home construction business and should allow you to get started with most tasks.