6 Different Uses Of Shipping Containers In A Construction Site

6 Different Uses Of Shipping Containers In A Construction Site

In the past, shipping containers were popularly used to deliver cargo from one destination to another. However, as time passed, many business owners and industry people thought outside the box and found multiple purposes for these huge steel boxes. Due to their sturdy materials and reliability, they are useful in many aspects.

One industry that took advantage of shipping containers is the construction sector. Whether the company’s project is constructing a house, building, apartment, or any facility, shipping containers are useful and valuable resources from start to finish. They can be converted, modified, and stacked to create liveable spaces. If you’re wondering how a 10ft shipping container can help you with your construction project, you’ll discover more uses below.

  1. Storage For Construction Materials And Equipment – A construction project requires the use of various construction tools, materials, and equipment. Construction materials and equipment are a huge investment, and protecting them at all costs is crucial. Instead of exposing them out in the open, visible to thieves, and prone to damage, storing them inside the shipping container ensures protection. Some materials are quite sensitive, and even the slightest damage may forfeit their use. In such cases, you can prevent damages and accidents by using shipping containers. Go for ones that have durable locks and security features. You can rest easy at night knowing your supplies are
    safe and intact. Whether you purchase or rent shipping containers, having them around makes your workflow more efficient. You can take the right number of materials for the day, leaving the rest safe inside the container. Since these steel boxes are weatherproof, you won’t have to worry if any calamities and bad weather will inevitably strike your area. Ultimately, these containers can be changed and transferred from one location to the next, so you can easily tag all your equipment and materials.
  2. On-Site Office – Some construction projects need an on-site office to speed up transactions and paperwork. For instance, some human resource staff needs to work on-site to monitor and check the attendance of all workers. Or maybe your marketing team needs to visit as they formulate strategies to make your construction business gain visibility. In this case, they need to set up an office. Shipping containers make great on-site offices at a low cost.
    Before starting the construction project, this container office can be a place to hold interviews, process hiring, and even conduct training and work seminars. Instead of requiring all candidates and applicants to visit your headquarters, they can visit the construction site. This also gives them an early view of where they’ll be placed if they get hired.
    Construction companies often conduct business and manage employment processes this way. This is a convenient choice for both applicants and the company overall. Also, this on-site office is necessary for engineers, architects, and other construction leaders to meet and gather to discuss plans and decisions.
    With these containers, you can set up desks, shelves, tables, and chairs for employees to discuss milestones and plans in a professional environment. Secure an air conditioner or heater inside to elevate its comfort.
  1. Workers’ Breakroom – Construction sites can be very harsh workplaces. As their employer, it’s your responsibility to provide a comfortable atmosphere and place where they can take breaks and rest. Hence, shipping containers make great breakrooms. Workers need a place to rest or take shelter from time to time, especially when the weather becomes unfavourable. Shipping containers are sturdy enough to protect everyone from all these harmful elements. You can modify the size and add features depending on what amenities the breakroom should have. Ensure to provide enough comfort so your workers can rest between breaks and lunchtime.
  2. Portable Bathroom Or Toilet – Bathroom facilities are not always available at construction sites because they are often secluded. During the initial stage of the construction, it can be challenging to install permanent plumbing fixtures. The best alternative is to use shipping containers as portable bathrooms and toilets. Having access to restroom facilities in a shipping container is convenient. Due to its large size and durability, you can design these bathrooms however you want. In fact, they may appear better than permanent bathrooms from other construction sites. The key is to use and install modern and good-quality toilets and sinks. Ensure everyone maintains cleanliness and good hygiene to keep them in good condition. Keep your workers happy and healthy by providing them with good worker restrooms. This can be made possible thanks to shipping containers converted into bathrooms and toilets. Since they can easily be transported anywhere, you can continue using this portable bathroom even after construction.
  3. Portable Clinic – Construction workers are always at risk of injuries while on the job. After all, installing and designing a building from scratch requires physical and manual labour. For the safety of employees, your construction company should devise a mobile clinic on-site. This is the best facility to ensure your company is ready for accidents and emergencies. The clinic should be your first aid station with all medicines and apparatus needed to treat minor and major injuries, bruises, cuts, and fractures. To convert a shopping container into a clinic, add a medical bed, install an HVAC unit, and invest in basic medical supplies.
  4. Sleeping Quarters – Some construction workers who live far from the construction site need a safe place to live and sleep while the project is still ongoing. They might prefer to live near the work site to save transportation costs and time while working on the construction project. For that, you can modify shipping containers to be their sleeping quarters. You can stack and design single or multiple containers and build them into sleeping quarters for employees who are willing to sleep on-site. They’re easy to move around, so you can find an ideal area to install the sleeping quarter. Keep them close to the bathroom and kitchen to make living arrangements convenient and comfortable for your stay-in workers.


These simple metal boxes can be used in so many ways. If you’re unsure whether shipping containers are great investments, simply reading about their many uses in this article is enough to encourage you to take advantage of them for your construction business.