LBF 2023 nearly 20 percent full in one week

LBF 2023 nearly 20 percent full in one week

Applications to run an event at LBF 2023 opened a week ago and already organisers have received lots of interest.

With a cap of 80 events, the LBF is at nearly 20 percent capacity already. The application form will close at the beginning of September, but it is important that any business interested submits as soon as possible to take full advantage.  

Events that make it into the final line-up need to be beneficial, purposeful and have engaging content that will be attractive to businesses so that people will want to attend. 

Leicester Business Festival is completely B2B and operates as a Community Interest Company (CIC). So far, the festival partners include De Montfort University, Pattersons Commercial Law, University of Leicester, Everards of Leicestershire, The Sir Thomas White Loan Charity, Leicester Hospitals Charity and TheMusicLicence, by PPL PRS Ltd (music partner). 

Richard Osborn, Regional director at Excello Law, Chair and a director of the LBF Community Interest Company (CIC) said: “The festival is proving to be popular already with many applications of all descriptions submitted from various sectors. 

“I encourage any businesses who would like to host an event to make their application as soon as possible. Although the final decision on the festival line-up happens early autumn it is important to submit your event idea in advance so that your business has more of a chance of being a part of it.  

“Events can be a demonstration, expert panel discussion or presentation, tour or even a round table debate. The key element is that it meets a set criterion and adds value or benefit to the people who attend.”  

Helen Donnellan, Director of Research and Enterprise at De Montfort University and LBF partner said: “We partner with the festival each year because LBF continues to create exciting business opportunities for people at any point in their career and business journey. I am delighted that people and businesses are already showing their interest. 

“Year in, year out the events have been diverse and provide insights, experiences, and intel from across the business world. 

“The festival really is an excellent opportunity for our region, and it takes every type of business to get involved. The benefits are endless including being a platform for growth in confidence, opportunity and innovation for Leicester and Leicestershire.” 

Leicester Business Festival is taking place from 6 – 17 November 2023. The event application form is quick to complete and available on the Leicester Business Festival website:

Over the past eight years of the LBF, there have been 866 events, 90 percent of which were rated good to excellent. More importantly than anything, 89 percent of businesses who were involved with the festival, as partners, sponsors, event hosts or attendees, fed back that their businesses were positively impacted.