One of the UK’s fastest-growing affordable housing developers claimed a prestigious property ‘double’ last night.
Keon Homes, which is working on ten live projects across the East and West Midlands, was named as the Social Housing Award champion, recognised by judges for its ability to unlock complex parcels of land to create the communities of the future in Great Barr, Newcastle-under-Lyme and Blackberry Court, an ambitious Extra Care scheme in Lichfield.
Celebrated in front of 300 people in Birmingham, the Midlands Residential Property Awards also crowned 26-year-old Ben Sharp as its ‘Emerging Property Person of the Year,’ beating off several talented professionals in the sector.
The Senior Technical Coordinator has successfully taken on and secured one of the most complex planning applications in the history of Keon Homes.
He has navigated a myriad of issues and planning concerns to successfully bring Holyhead Road in Coventry to life, an affordable house scheme in the City Centre that will create 73 sustainable properties.
“This is a milestone moment for the company and is the best possible way to close our 5th year in business,” commented Richard Williams, Managing Director of Keon Homes.
“We have a mantra that everyone subscribes to and that’s all about ‘Doing the Right Thing’, which is what we try to do when we bring brownfield schemes back into the ownership of local people, giving them a place they call home.”
He continued: “Over the last twelve months, we’ve successfully completed Stanton Close in Newcastle-under-Lyme after a developer went into administration and, in Booths Lane, took on a project that had so many difficulties many of our rivals chose not to get involved.
“Importantly, we also continued our strong working relationship with Sanctuary by making a foray into the Extra Care housing market. This is directly addressing the need for over 55s housing and will see us build 138 plots in total, comprising 60 bungalows and a 78-bed supporting living development in Lichfield.”
Ben Sharp’s ‘Emerging Property Person’ title was a hat tip to his unique ability to manage multiple relationships with one vision in mind – to unlock difficult parcels of land.
This includes overseeing site evaluations, architectural and engineering designs, the investigation of any technical problems encountered and ensuring developments are viable and provide social and economic benefit.
Warren Bolton, Director of Keon Homes, concluded: “We’re a relatively young business operating in the demanding Midlands property sector, so these two awards will elevate our platform to attract the best possible talent and to secure new projects that help bring affordable housing to market.
“Ben richly deserves his award and is exactly the talented professional we want to build Keon Homes on.”
For further information, please visit www.keonhomes.co.uk