The role of technology in modern renovations

The role of technology in modern renovations

Technology has been an integral part of the construction industry for years. As more advances are made, builders, architects and developers can utilise the latest gadgets to further their businesses.

The renovation sector is a busy one. From small bathroom remodels to full-scale building renovations, projects can be long and costly. By employing the latest technology, project managers are able to work as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible.


3D modelling and virtual reality

Virtual reality, or VR, is the cutting edge of environment simulation. By utilising this in renovation planning, you can simulate the site you will be working on before you set foot on the ground.

Identifying potential issues before they arise allows managers to keep workers safe and plan around them. This helps for budgeting purposes as well as time management, allowing you to be as efficient as possible.

Drones for site surveys and progress monitoring

Being able to see the whole worksite from different angles is crucial for inspections both before you begin and throughout the project. This is where drones can be invaluable.

Conducting site surveys and getting a good look at hard-to-reach places enables you to make informed decisions about the next steps and future changes. Being able to do this remotely with a drone saves a lot of time and labour, making the project cheaper in the long run.

Although drones are helpful, there is still a risk of unforeseen issues during a project. Make sure you have adequate renovation insurance to cover you legally and financially.

Smart tools and equipment for efficiency and safety

The term ‘smart tools’ covers a wide range of items. Laser-guided tools, automated machinery and wearable safety technology all fall under this terminology.

Smart tools are great for improving precision. This is especially true when you look at automated machinery. The human eye cannot perceive small measurements in the same way a machine can.

They are also a good way to enhance safety. Think about common pieces of PPE that staff wear such as hard hats, hi-vis vests and even work boots. One example of this is equipping construction staff with hard hat sensors. Not only will they be able to analyse the impact of something hitting the helmet, but they can also survey surroundings and report any near misses.

Project management software

Any project manager will tell you how busy and involved their job is, so implementing software that can help streamline certain processes will be greatly appreciated.

Utilising a company-wide platform allows greater transparency between contractors, clients and even suppliers. This leads to an increase in productivity as everyone will know where their part of the project is and what the next steps are.

Ultimately, investing in new technology involves a lot of research. You need to figure out what will work well for your business and whether it is worth the overall investment. Why not consult with your staff to see what they would find useful?

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