IBS Engineered Products Ltd (IBS), one of the UK’s leading contractors specialising in the design, manufacture and installation of flow control and flood protection equipment, has been awarded the contract to supply and install a 1.3m high glass wave wall system along a 170m stretch of West Wales coastline.
The project, being undertaken on behalf of Haulfryn Group, is an upgrade to the existing sea defence wall and has been designed by IBS to reduce the risk of further flood events occurring due to tidal storm surges and high winds, such as those the area experienced during Winter 2014 and Autumn 2017 (Hurricane Ophelia / Storm Brian).
The glass wave wall system will be designed to affix to the top of the existing sea defence wall, to not only provide protection to the holiday park and to the seaward facing holiday caravans and lodges directly adjacent to the wall, but also to preserve as much of the site’s sea view as possible.
Speaking about the project, Ray Moulds, Managing Director of IBS Engineered Products, said: “This installation is a particularly interesting one, borne from discussions and correspondence between the park owners and the insurers, whereby continuing insurance cover for the park is reliant on the park owners offering a level of protection of 1:200, which equates to a 0.5% Annual Probability of flooding in any given year.”
The project commenced November 2018 and is due for completion April / May 2019. For information about IBS Engineered Products range of flood protection solutions, please call 01302 630015.