Specialist drainage systems supplier Kijlstra is revolutionising again.
Leading UK drainage solutions provider Kijlstra has launched arevolutionary push-fit culvert jointing system.
Six years after the manufacturer launched revolutionary square manholes in the UK, the new culverts are the latest innovative development from Kijlstra to speed along construction and civils installations, with their rubber-sealed push-fit jointing system making installation super-fast and simple.
This avoids the traditional method of applying primer and a jointing material to achieve a watertight finish.
The precast concrete box culverts are designed to withstand the relevant road loadings under which they pass, combining proven strength with durability, with the individual sealed joints eliminating any grouting on site.
Designed to BS-Eurocode guidelines BS-EN 1990/1991/1992 using Load Models LM1 and LM2 for a design life of up to 100 years, the culverts are manufactured from poured monolithic self-compacting concrete giving a high-quality finish and optimum hydraulic characteristics.
The C40/50 concrete is rated to the highest sulphate resistance exposure class XA3 for use in highly aggressive chemical environments.
Available in a large range of standard sizes up to 2m, bespoke options are also offered.