Isover, part of the Saint-Gobain group, have designed an interactive infographic to showcase the benefits of their product, Vario® XtraSafe and why specifiers need to consider this material for their builds.
Designed to futureproof houses, Vario® XtraSafe maximises airtightness and reduces the build-up of harmful moisture within the building, keeping the structure and the occupants safe. The infographic has been designed to consolidate the points that matter most to those in the construction industry, complete with an installation guide video tutorial.
Some of Vario® XtraSafe’s qualities are:
- Demonstrated to exceed airtightness standards required in UK Building Regulations and the PassivHaus standard
- Can contribute to significant energy reduction in a building as well as optimising occupant confirm
- Quick and easy to install (requires one person) to ensure maximum efficiency on the project – the smart membrane material includes an innovative fleece which is fixed to a specialist tape allowing mistakes to be rectified without material waste
- With its associated tapes and sealant, it can be used to effectively seal around tricky details, e.g. pipe and cable penetrations and rafters
- Highest working range (of water vapour permeability) smart membrane available to purchase (equivalent to SD = 0.3 to 20m) allowing it to be suitable for the widest range of climates.
Steve Wilson, Marketing Communications Manager at Isover Saint-Gobain, commented: “The breathable nature of Vario® XtraSafe guarantees it’s like no other product on the market when it comes to airtightness and moisture management.”