A state of the art £165million Energy from Waste (EfW) plant in rural Worcestershire is delivering ‘green’ credentials, even to the roof.
Building Envelope contractor Lakesmere is installing the roofing and cladding packages on the new EnviRecover facility in Hartlebury for Mercia Waste Management, for which Weedon Architects are executive architects, with ARUP engineering designers; the building is designed to turn 200,000 tonnes of municipal solid waste- that would otherwise end up in landfill- into energy, generating 15.5MW of electricity for export a year.
To minimise the building’s impact on the local environment, the external envelope is a tight functional fit to reduce the building footprint, the visual mass is broken up with stepped levels, and the roof is flat, covered with Protan SE1.2mm single ply membrane.
Approximately 6000m2 of dark grey Protan SE1.2mm standard overlap membrane is being mechanically fixed to create the six plant roof areas. Explained Graham Perrins, Lakesmere senior estimator, “Protan was specified on the project when we became involved. We have worked with Protan before, so, through that established relationship, were able to quickly establish information and move forward. As we were against timeframes, it made perfect sense to continue with Protan as the specified option.”
Added Protan’s Steve Holford, “The whole ethos of the project is about reducing impact on the environment. Protan SE PVC single ply membrane is A+ rated under the BRE Green Guide, and has a production carbon footprint 1/5th that of aluminium. It is produced under ISO14001 environmental management and is further assured under Environmental Product Declaration. As a company, Protan is an active participant in the European RoofCollect environmental organization, which collects and recirculates materials.”
Protan SE, available in 1.2mm, 1.6mm and 1.8mm, is developed to cope with even the most extreme weather conditions without detriment: it is certified to ≤ -30°. Hot-air welded at joints and mechanically fixed to the roof, the membrane achieves durability in excess of 30 years, with air leakage controlled/minimised in line with latest Building Regulations. Protan SE membrane is also certified to deliver, and potentially surpass, the energy efficiency requirements laid down in Approved Document L.
Established some 75 years ago, and still privately-owned, Protan is one of the top three membrane manufacturers in Europe. A full support service, from NBS specification and in-house CAD design through to technical advice is provided from Protan UK’s Warrington office.