Please help. I meet Lorraine a mother of four only 10 weeks ago. I was starting a new job and she was just there for me when I needed it, guided, encouraged and supported. Getting to know her found we have something in common – we have both been affected by cancer. Me personally, but for Lorraine her grandson and now her daughter. Her daughter Charlie, 25, unfortunately is terminal.
This itself is heartbreaking but I know how Lorraine is balancing work and home life through this emotional time. When primarily Lorraine needs as much time as possible with Charlie whilst she’s still with us.
So Lorraine has to continue to work, she can’t afford not to work – due to hospital visits, accommodation whilst at hospital and just general daily running of home. It’s heartbreaking to know that money is such a worry for her. She should just be able to concentrate on Chzrlie her daughter.
This is why I’m asking for help. I could not imagine ever being in that situation, myself a mother of four. No mother should ever have to see her child suffer.
So any money raised will go to Lorraine to be able to give her time off work so she can go and spend it with Charlie, and be able to worry a little less.
Please give anything you can- it all helps give a mother chance to spend time with her daughter before it’s too late.