It is an uncomfortable truth that there is no single fuel solution to the air quality problem for the construction sector.
Despite advocating the use of alternative fuels where it is convenient, safe and commercially acceptable to do so, an investigation by HM Treasury and DEFRA into the high volumes of red diesel being used for NRMM[1] goes no further in setting out confident recommendations to lower emissions.
The technologies do exist to support construction businesses in tackling emissions from NRMM and improving local air quality immediately – without causing disruption or requiring investment in new machinery. However, a lack of infrastructure means that construction businesses must be realistic when evaluating how they can most effectively power the transition to lower emissions.
With so many solutions available in the new liquid energy stack yet no clear directive, where can construction businesses start to make quick emission reduction wins that can propel them on the path towards a net-zero emission future?
The feature will be by-lined to Rebecca Swann, Product Manager for Fuels and Services at Certas Energy, and cover:
- Increasing socio-political pressures of taking action on NRMM pollution
- Current barriers to adoption of red diesel alternatives
- The case for alternative liquid fuels in the transition to a low emission future
- Alternative fuel use case examples from companies including J. Murphy & Sons, Morgan Sindall and Jacksons Civil Engineering
[1]HM Treasury; Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (2019). Non-road mobile machinery and red diesel call for evidence: summary of responses. [online] Available at: